Sunday, June 27, 2010

I truely hit the jackpot!!!

Last week as I sat in the hospital room admiring my little baby girl Marki, there was a moment that I said to myself..."OK right now, if I had 150k dollars I would give it all to spend tonight with my mother and just talk. I know she would be ticked at me losing that money for a few hours, but I would do it... I really wanted to talk to her, I wanted to discuss everything, baby, finances, relationships, laugh, inform, and most of all be informed.

I went over to my sister Teya's house on Friday night because Jada wanted to play with her cousin Troy. We were discussing how much we missed our mom, when Teya showed me perhaps one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. A 203 page hand written journal she had kept during the dates of 1973-1981. She was 17 years old on page one and had just met my father. That night Andrea was very tired and I was fortunate enough to spend the night watching Marki as her Mommy got some much needed rest. Marki was fussy from hour 1! So I put her on my chest and she fell into a deep sleep. I became extremely relaxed, and used a book light to read. I read for 5 hours. As I laid there with this baby on my chest sleeping soundly, I listened to my mother tell her story. It was a personal journal, so there was no holding back, it was the sort of stuff you would not want people reading about unless you were in fact dead. Yet I experienced the joy of reading perhaps one of the most compelling love stories I have ever heard of. All the drama a 17 year old girl who was just starting college, and had met "the one". I read in suspense as the roller coaster that is common in most courtships unfolded before my eyes. The fog of stories past that she had told us about her one true love lifted, I read of her progressing through college, having a son with a birth defect, marriage, current events, her thoughts on her religion, her feelings about her children, and future generations that would be related to her. Then the trials of having yet another child with the exact same birth defect, substance abuse, her disdain for anything negative that could happen to her family from such substance abuse, reconciliation,forgiveness, and above all true Love. I mean the stuff you think only exists in movies and novels True love for her spouse, and for those who raised her... Above all it was not perfect, or rather she was not perfect. Thats sometimes hard to remember when someones passes away, that they were in fact flawed...just like we are...she doubted, trusted, loved, lived, never hated...NEVER! And completely opened herself up.

This morning I woke up and Jada and I went to some friends house to fix their Air conditioner... While I was driving and chatting with Jada Rose I had this complete sensation, like I got everything I needed. That feeling after a perfect Christmas morning (I'm trying sooo hard not to make PAC10 references here) I'm not wealthy, in fact weve spent all we have to finish our basement... perfect Marriage and pursuit of happiness to that point was in the horizon somewhere. But not anymore, I was content, I had my 150K dollar jackpot, and didn't spend a penny! I literally spoke and listened to my mother all night as my precious little girl slept on my chest. It was the most complete record I have ever read, most questions I ever had about my father, or her feelings on work, religion, friends, babies, and finances were answered. So this evening I took Jada back over to Teya's house to let her play with Troy again, and laughed, pondered, and genuinely loved talking about this amazing gift.

I know this much from my conversation with my Mother last night. I'm fairly certain I love my wife as my father loved my mother, my children are just as precious as I and my sisters were to my mother, and money escapes us as it did her. Friends are high priority, and many times the line between friends and family is not distinct, which is how it should be. FAMILY is happiness. Life does not have a pattern or an agenda, its chaos in a universe that demands adherence to its laws. So the lesson here is if you have a story to tell, even if you don't have children, or already have children and even grand children, write it down, type it, or speak it into a video camera...YOU JUST MAY SAVE SOMEONE 150 thousand dollars one day, you just might give someone one of the greatest gifts they have ever recieved, all the while achieving immortality in a mortal life.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Andrea and Marki were discharged today around 2pm. We have some Jaundice, but everything looks normal in her conjugated, and un-conjugated bilirubin tests...yah its a bit nerve racking for us to see jaundice, but she's pooping out more tar balls than the gulf of Mexico, so its fair to say everything is working good. Jada played outside on her slip n slide for a few hours, and is VERY happy to have her little sister home.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Several Pictures!!!

This is Andrea's OB/GYN Dr. Erin Clark!!! We absolutely LOVE her!

Marki is doing GREAT!! She has taken naps, spent time with her big sister, great grandma, and ate some serious chow (18cc's of formula). I have a great video of Jada meeting Marki, but the internet connection is such in this area that it takes forever for it to download. I will download it later this evening when I get home. Andrea is going to spend one more evening here, and will come home tomorrow.
This is Jada with her "Avatar hands and feet" playing with her Avatar toys

Jada meets Marki for the first time

First bath!

First night = easy street!

Midnight- Both Andrea and I fell asleep
3 am- Marki came in and ate a feast, burped, then went back to sleep
6 am- Marki came in again for the morning, ate breakfast, burped thrice, had a monster poop, and wanted to cuddle the rest of the morning!...easy street baby!

Monday, June 21, 2010

A peculiar feeling...

Around 11:45 pm, Andrea finished feeding little Marki, Loni, Claire, Teya, Zak, Jada, Grandpa, and Grandma had all gone home. I snuggled Marki for a moment longer and it was time to let her go to the Nursery. Andrea needed some sleep, and I knew she wouldnt get any with Marki not being watched very carefully. As I swaddled my little princess and placed her in the cart and watched her be wheeled away I broke into tears...I thought to myself "What the Hell is your problem man?" It was a scary peculiar feeling. Something innate in my damaged brain said "take a look at this Angel it might be your last"...How screwed up is that? I actually had to gather myself and re-assure what ever that peculiar feeling was that this was not sick Jada Rose. This was a healthy little girl. Although this is our second daughter, its our first healthy baby. I recall feeling un-settled those first few nights we had Jada Rose. It felt like something was wrong. Not so this time, but the wounds of that experience are still present. Now in this quiet room, with Andrea sleeping, I feel a new hope. I am excited that we have the opportunity to live the first six months with a healthy baby. Yet I am fortunate enough to know that life is uncertain. That these children are not immune to the chances of life. I know that every moment is a gift, and promise God every night that I will never forget that as long as he allows me to exist with these little angels. It is indeed a peculiar moment for Andrea and I.

Tonight Jada Rose did come in to visit Marki, she was not quite sure how to handle seeing her mother cuddle another being with such love. But still was excited, and anxious to meet her new little sister. She had 2000 questions regarding how Marki got here...However all questions went out the door when she was given some gifts from Marki. Jada is a HUGE fan of Avatar. Andrea and I ordered her most of the action figures online, as well as the "flying dragons" and the "black Panthers" as Jada calls them. She spent about an hour flying those around the room, and was very content to take her new possessions to Grandpa and Grandma's for the night.

She IS HERE!!!!!

Marki Dawn Chilton. Born June 21, 2010 at 4 pm. 7 lbs 3 oz. 19.5 inches long. MOMMY FEELS GREAT!

Welcome Back Andrea!

2:43 PM--I wanted to go into a situation that happened earlier. I posted about it on facebook but will repeat it here...

Andrea passed out (lost consciousness) during the first epidural...yah she passed out! It was kind of funny as I remember passing out when I received an IV was weird...anyways she was out for about 30 seconds, and when she came back to reality, she said "ummm I think I'm gonna pass out..." The doctor then said "you already did sweetie" my first words to her were "Andrea, it wasn't a dream, we ARE IN the PAC 10!" One doctor laughed, the others thought I was crazy.

Her contractions are almost on top of each other. She is getting caught up on all the Modern Family episodes. We were so caught up in laughing at those episodes that Andrea forgot to give herself a bolus, needless to say that's not gonna happen again, and Modern Family episodes are on standby for now. Dr. Erin Clark (Andrea's OB, and wife of one of my very dear friends Landon) broke her water, and is checking up on her regularly. With regards to Dr. Clark she came and held Andrea's hand during the second epidural. After she left Andrea became a little emotional and stated how calming it is to have Erin as her doc.

Oh and if your asking "where is Jada Rose?" She is at Lagoon with her Grandpa!!!!

As I post this Erin came in and said she is dilated to a SEVEN!!! It won't be long!

Expansion Baby!!!...

As it is the trend now a days to expand into greater experiences, and higher levels, Andrea and I figured it was time to call a meeting with the board of regents and discuss the possibility of expansion. We emerged from the closed door meeting nine months ago confident that expansion would be beneficial to an already enjoyable family. There have been rumors and speculation about this for months, and we are pleased to announce that the time has come!

We will be welcoming a new little girl today. Andrea received her epidural at approximately 11:00 this morning. She is having contractions every two minutes.

Jada Rose is at home with her Grandpa playing Wii, and no doubt squeezing every ounce of sugary substance from our cupboards, as her Grandpa is prone to please in the case of his granddaughter.

As the first post on this new "family blog" I wanted to go into some detail about the name of our newest family member.

Jada Rose is named after my Mother Rosanne (Rose). She passed away suddenly two months after Jada received a liver transplant at the age of 6 months. When we were thinking of names earlier on in the pregnancy I felt very strongly that I wanted my next child to have the name of my Father Mark Pritchett Chilton. If it were a boy I felt it was an easy choice, the name would be Mark Robert Chilton. Mark from my father, and Robert was a double edge sword, after Robert Christensen, and my Uncle Bob (Robert Chilton) "Bibbby". When we found out it was a girl, the name Mark seemed to feel right to both of us...still. Only this time the name Marki was what we wanted. I have a cousin who was also named after my father, she is one of the most kind, and beautiful women we know, and asked her if she would mind if we used her name for our little girl? She said she would be flattered. We also are going to use Andrea's middle name, and the name of her Mother Dawny. So her name is Marki Dawn Chilton. I included photo's of Marki's name sake.

Marki's Paternal Grandparents
(Mark, Rose)

Marki's cousin on fathers side (Marki)